About me
I am the luckiest woman in Adams County, Pennsylvania! Every day I get to sit in my studio in my woods, listen to wonderful music & paint & create all day and sometimes into the night! Most days there aren't enough hours in the day to paint everything I have ideas for.
I have always been creative. I was very shy as a child...so I would go up in my room and create...and I'd go there, too cuz' it was better than arguing with my two younger sisters about what we would watch on our Black and White TV { tho' we all agreed on Bonanza } Even as a young child presents for my family & friends were homemade cards, drawings or paintings specially created just for them. The praise & encouragement gave me confidence, determination and a dream. I wanted to be an artist when I grew up!
A self taught artist I began my “professional” career in 1982. My original watercolors of local Adams County farms & landscapes, children, nature, & celebrating life’s simple pleasures drew folks to my work. Doing lotsa shows and getting national recognition through creating work for the Pfaltgraff pottery company of York, Pa, having my work for sale in The Museum of American Folk Art Museum gift shoppe in NYC, Recently, Bobbi was voted the 2nd favorite artist in “Pick of the County” contest by the Gettysburg Times, Gettysburg, Pennsylvania...and many many other shoppes and opportunities..gave me national recognition and got my name and art throughout the country
I am very grateful everyday for the local & national encouragement I receives so I can keep painting. I couldn't do it without you!
Recently I had a dream come true with illustrating two children's books which are available on my website as well
Tucked away in my woods , My family and I live in a new/old stone farmhouse with a gallery where I sell my work for you to visit when you're in the area! There is a creek nearby which I enjoy walking by with mydog , taking photos of the Great Blue Herons and other visitors...I just love being outside enjoying nature or taking a drive thru the local countryside...all are inspiration for my work